No matter what food item you buy it is your second nature to check the food label to know more details on the item you are buying. Sometimes for ingredients, sometimes for nutrition facts, sometimes for ways to prepare or store the item and almost always for price details, food labels are what most customers would check when they buy a food item.
Though you tend to check the labels for all the above-mentioned details, it’s not necessary that you understand all the facts given there. In fact, the truth is that most people don’t understand most of the details given on food labels. For example, a very common misconception that people make is regarding the nutrition details given on the labels. In 1994 FDA had brought about the rule that all food items in stores should have food labels with all necessary information. While most labels mention the calories intake and other nutrient levels that a person consumes at a single serving, most people take it for granted that the calories mentioned are for the entire contents for the food packet. This tells you how much inadequate our knowledge of food labels is.
Another example of how consumers fall for the food labels is how they purchase items that have the words “pure” or “natural” on the labels. You need to understand that these words actually don’t mean anything when it comes to the actual preparation of the item. For example, when it says “pure sunflower oil” it doesn’t mean the oil is made completely from the sunflower that you find blooming on the fields. Here “pure” only means the process started from using the sunflower and has a lot more subsequent steps that created the oil that you find before you.
Similarly, there are a lot more examples of such words you find on food labels such as “no preservatives”, “law fat”, “no preservatives added”, “low sugar”, “o% calories” and a lot more that are just to attract customers to purchase the food item. And if you are one of those customers who check only the price and no further details, you are in for a tougher time for you miss out a lot of important information that you need to know about the product that you are consuming.
Unfortunately, the habit of reading food labels is decreasing nowadays as most people now call up the stores for home deliveries and often make online purchases. Needless to say, this is highly unfortunate as you are purchasing items more blindly than before. Remember, whether you are purchasing online or offline, at the store or through home delivery, it is your need to know what you are buying and what you are eating. For your health and for the health of your family, you need to make it a habit of reading food labels and understand what is written there.